Install fonts on Ubuntu Server

Because life be boring without typography.


I’m using wkhtmltopdf to generate PDF reports server side. While everyone uses complicated techniques like base64 encoding fonts and what not to use custom fonts in wkhtmltopdf, it turns out that the simplest way to actually use custom fonts is to install said fonts in your operating system. On a Mac, you simply open the font using Font book. What about an Ubuntu server?

Turns out it’s super easy.

  1. Copy the font folder to the home directory on your server.
  2. Copy the font folder into the system fonts folder
sudo cp -R ~/funky-font /usr/share/fonts/truetype/
  1. Cache them fonts and use them like a boss
sudo fc-cache -f -v

This works perfectly with wkhtmltopdf, tested on an ubuntu 14.04 server.